G&G Footwear - offer Italian production and sale of the best PVC and nitrile rubber footwear Regno Unito

G&G Footwear exports its products in all European countries and is in business with 30 other countries in the world.

G&G Footwear LTD born of everyday experience and passion of Giovanni Boscaglia, that pioneer in the field, it operates in over 35 years.

Equipped with the best and most advanced technology in the production of PVC and nitrile rubber shoes, G&G Footwear has always been committed to the constant renewal of his creations and searching for new models and materials.

These are distinguished by their excellent quality, compliance with the European Union.

G & G Footwear S.r.l.
Via IV Novembre, 11
43056 S.Polo di Torrile (PR) - Italy


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  • Via IV Novembre 11 Torrile - 43056 (Parma)
  • G&G FOOTWEAR S.R.L. - Da oltre 35 anni, specialisti nella produzione di calzature in PVC e gomma nitrilica - Via IV Novembre, 11 - S. Polo di Torrile - 43056 - Parma - Italy - Tel: +39 0521 819955 - Fax: +39 0521 813409 - info@gegfootwear.it
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